The School of Motion Alumni Holiday Card is a fun annual challenge made possible by the incredible efforts of Traci Brinling-Osowski. It's a chance to show off our skill and ability to design and animate a piece that's 3 seconds long, 24fps, using the provided color swatches (plus shades of those colors, black and white), and a theme!
2023 Prompt Submission
2023's theme was "I want (to do) more _____ in 2024". My submission was "Paid Gigs"! I like to use this annual holiday challenge to try new styles or plugins, and this year I used Newton 4 for the falling coins and diamonds, I hand animated the paths of the money falling, AND I did some frame by frame animation on the text, in ProCreate!

2022 Prompt Submission
2022's theme was "All I Want For The Holidays Is/Are....". My submission was "New Recipes!" Food is a passion of mine, and I want to explore more food illustration and animation! The color palette made the dishes look....interesting! LOL Blue pancakes, anyone? (Grid animation using the Flex plugin!)

2021 Prompt Submission
2021's theme was "In 2022 I was thankful for.....". My submission was "Digital Happy Hours!" I wanted to challenge myself this year by faking a 3d "camera move" animating shape layer paths. The seemingly endless tweaking was frustrating, but I'm super proud with the result! I created the artwork in After Effects, except for the plants, which were repurposed from my 2020 SOM Holiday Card submission, and were recolored for this prompt.

2020 Prompt Submission
2020's theme was "I made it through 2020, by....". My submission was "staying in with my plants and my dog." I may have over exaggerated on how many plants I have, but it's not THAT far off! LOL
Photoshopped Layout Reference
Final Illustration